Benefits of Lip Blushing include restoring colour in scarred or stretched lips, restoring lost pigment that comes with age, evening tone and discolouration from smoking, no smudged lipsticks at the gym, beach or pool, less need to wear lipstick every day, neutralising dark lips. It’s waterproof and smudge proof.
How long does lip blush last?
Lip blush on average can last from 2 to 5 years with touch ups. Things like skin type, age, smoking habits, aftercare, sun exposure, immune system, health factors and medications factor into how long your lip blush lasts.
Does lip blush hurt?
Lip blush is not a painful treatment. We do not use topical numbing as this can cause the skin to have some resistance when accepting pigment and blanching of the skin. When your lips are numbed for lip blush, the needles need to reach deeper into the tissue and require more passes for pigment concentration which can cause more irritation and trauma to the tissue.
How long does lip blush take?
Lip blushing can take anywhere between 1 – 3 hours, this is dependant on factors such as lip size and how easily the tissue takes the pigment.
Will my lip blush look like lipstick?
Lip blush looks more like a soft stain than a harsh bordered lipstick. It gives the lips an everyday tint.
How long does lip blush take to heal?
Lip blush will take about a week to heal, sometimes sooner.
Can I have lip blush if I have a cold sore?
We are unable to treat clients who have a cold sore on the day of your appointment. If you are prone to cold sores we recommend taking anti-viral pills such as Acyclovir to prevent any cold sore breakouts after treatment.
How many sessions will I need? Will I need a touch up?
Two sessions are the standard for lip blush. The first session is your initial colour and the second is a top up for longevity.
Who is not eligible for lip blush?
Clients under 18 are not eligible for lip blush. We cannot treat you if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, if you are undergoing chemotherapy sessions or have been diagnosed with cancer (if you are in remission we need to know how long for). It is also not recommended for those who have lost laxity in the lips or have deeper wrinkles. People who have taken Accutane within the past year are also not eligible for lip blush. If you have active skin diseases such as eczema or psoriasis in the area.
How can I prep for my lip blush appointment?
Do not consume alcohol, caffeine, fish oil, Vitamin E or ibuprofen for 48 hours before your lip blush appointment as these can thin the blood and affect the treatment.
Will lip blush make my lips look bigger/fuller?
Your lips will be swollen immediately after being blushed, but this will subside as they heal. Lip blushing in the long run only makes your lips appear fuller because of the blush, it does not make them increase in size, for that we recommend lip filler.
Can I have lip blush if I have lip filler?
Absolutely, it’s a popular combination to have lip filler first and then lip blush after. It is required to wait 2 weeks after having lip filler before you can get your lips blushed.
What can I expect after my appointment?
Your lips may swell due to the trauma to the tissue, the colour will also be vibrant and bold though this will fade over the healing process. It is important to note that results immediately after blushing are not the final results.